View of Bintulu when as a 'sleepy village and town image' in 1955, showing the 'old town' across river from village. (Photo credit : Ho Ah Choon, " Sarawak in Pictures - 1940's -1970's) |
View of Bintulu down town with extensive development in the background, after a succession of four economic booms. This picture is in cognizance of Bintulu entering the Millenial era i.e 2016 onwards. The basically Melanau populated fishing village is seen in the foreground of the picture. ( Picture taken on 1 Jan'16 using Samsung Galaxy Note II ) |
For those not familiar with the developmental history of Bintulu, I would like to recap on the boom years starting 1979 (first boom) which jolted Bintulu from a once sleepy town and village to an industrial 'city' it is today. The last of the economic boom - the fourth boom (2010 - 2015), ushered in a new chapter in the growth of Bintulu. The fourth boom has brought deep and extensive ripple effects in the economic landscape of Bintulu. Additionally, what the fourth boom has done too is in the creation and build up of a series of new synergistic interplay of economic renaissance forces on this consistently booming town. In my periodisation of Bintulu history, I call the period beginning 2016 as the "Millenial era". The Millenial era can safely be divided further into the Industrial decade (2016 - 2026) and after that or after achieving the official status of an industrial city, Bintulu will be propelled forward into the Post - Industrial era - i.e. 2026 onwards ( and it is to later historians that the timing be worked out).