The Tanjung Batu beach area has been a very popular picnic spot for Bintuluians since the 1960's. When Bintulu encountered its first boom starting in 1979, many visitors and residents or temporary workforce to the town had the Tanjung Beach as the main outlet for beach recreational activities because it was conveniently located about 4 kilometers from the town center. When more people settled permanently in the town there was a need to provide better amenities and facilities to the Tanjung Batu beach area. In 1987 the Tanjung Batu coastal road as it was called then was paved and installed with street lighting. To start with it was a 2-lane single carriageway.
1987 - Tanjung Batu coastal road - 2-lane single carriageway Note the turning to the right (in the middle of the picture) which is the entrance to the "Pantai Temasya Bintulu" today' |
One of my responsibilities while working with the BDA (Bintulu Development Authority) in the 1980's was the landscaping of Bintulu. In the above picture is shown the first batch of "Poui" trees planted along the Tg. Batu coastal road. The main reason for the choice was that Poui trees love the sea sprays and the intense heat of Bintulu for predictable flowering. The seeds for these trees were sent in a brown envelope in 1985...go here to know further about the history of the Bintulu- Singapore connection regarding these Poui trees....>>>
Tanjung Batu scenic road, as it is better known today - 11 October'13. |
Today, the Tanjung Batu scenic road has received many improvements. It has become a dual-carriageway with much improved landscaping and central street lighting. This scenic road now connects the Pantai Temasya to the Kidurong township and is fast becoming a popular spot to watch the Bintulu sunset.
Tanjung Batu scenic road, as it is better known today - 11 October'13. |
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